Saturday, December 24, 2011

Happy Holidays!

And just like last year, if you need a gift idea for me, here's a reminder:

What I do need is this:

And 'the teddy bear' Vincent and I can"celebrate" New Years all night long, too! =)

And after the party we can head to bed because, yeah, it's that big!

Happy Holidays everyone!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Property of Alexandra Eames

Because I can, so I did. =) It's been a while since I've posted, just letting you guys know I'm still alive...guess this is better than nothing.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

A Picture to Sum Up My Thoughts of The Season Finale

Ha Ha. So I guess I should quickly explain. After the episode ended, I posted a tweet on twitter that said: "Bobby, Y U NO push Alex against the SUV and take her right there?" Apparently I cracked a few people up. People know I'm a shipper; it's not a secret and I certainly don't try and hide it. Anyway, @Kyasurin_Chan made this for me. You kind of have to be on Twitter to understand it, but nonetheless I love it. Completely sums up my thoughts. =)

As far as being disappointed (with the ending), I wanted to be, but the way Goren and Eames were looking at each other...well, HELLO! No one can deny that they saw something there. If you missed it, you either had your eyes closed or you're officially blind! Just saying.

One last thing:

Happy 52nd Birthday Vincent!!!

Monday, June 20, 2011

One More To Go: My Thoughts on LOCI

As most of you know, Law and Order: Criminal Intent is coming to an end once and for all. For me it's a little hard to imagine the show ending; it's doing so well and the fans want more. I can tell by the blog posts, the comments on Facebook and the tweets on Twitter that people want more LOCI. But then I think about all we, as fans, have been through the past couple years and I feel as though it's a good thing. I'm sick of being jerked around and getting my hopes up that there may or may not be another season, that this and that may happen, etc. What really made me lose respect for...(I'm honestly not even sure who to blame here) is when that Fire Sale happened. Really? After ten years that's how you want to go out? Everything you can fit into a box for $5. I must say, that really pissed me off! I'm still angry about it.

I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm happy it's ending. I can honestly say it feels like a final closure I didn't know I needed until now. Once next weeks episodes ends, I'm going to [try] and take a deep breath and be okay with it. I'm sure there will be tears, confusion and possibly even some anger, but I'll get over it eventually. As long as the ending is written well, I'll be happy. I don't want some weird, crappy ending that leaves me even more angry and wishing they would have left well enough alone way before they started season 10.

And I've been preparing myself for the end for awhile now. I really didn't expect it to be renewed for another season, but you never know. Nonetheless, they finally shot the last episode and all was where it should be. But then this Fire Sale comes about and they're all of a sudden going back to re-shoot the last episode. I have a feeling it's because they knew they weren't coming back. But, I mean, hello! It's got me wondering now what they changed. And, of course, the shipper in me is hoping for the best.

I don't know if anyone understands what I'm saying, but I swear my anxiety is worsening because of this damn show!

As far as this season is concerned, I haven't posted anything since it started but it seems to me people are loving it. What do you all think? Personally, I love the sessions with the shrink. It's kind of funny, really, because I thought I'd hate them. But I don't. I look forward to them every episode. I'll admit, though, that I haven't watched last weeks yet. I'm just so...flustered with everything that I'm kind of...temporarily paralyzed when it comes to LOCI. I can hardly watch the episodes, I can't read fanfic...and don't even ask me how my writing is coming along.

Anyway, I could continue to ramble, but I better stop. I have some theories as to how it's going to end...especially the way Goren is walking out of the building and Eames almost in tears again. But I guess we'll just have to wait until next week to see what happens. This week is going to go by so s-l-o-w. Again, I can't believe it's over, but I'm relieved in a way that it is.

Here are some screen caps I took off Spoiler TVs Promo for Episode 10.08 - To the Boy in the Blue Knit Cap:

Hail and farewell, Law and Order: Criminal Intent!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Vincent Answered Two of My Questions!

Yes, he answered two of my questions. Squeee! Here are the screen caps of the questions and answers. I love the second one. Too funny! His sister, Toni, asked me on Twitter, "How did you know that?" LOL!


Edit: You can read all Vincent's answers here: USA Chatter

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Video: Clip from Criminal Intent, episode Frame

Hey everyone. So I made this video due to a request I had on Twitter. I love this scene no matter if you ship BA or not. It starts where Bobby blows up at Rodgers. In the scene following, him and Eames take a walk outside and Bobby steps closer to Alex. Some BA shippers believe it looks as though they're about to kiss. You be the judge.

For some reason I was unable to post it directly to blogger like I did last time, but here's the link:

Clip from Criminal Intent, episode Frame

Thursday, April 28, 2011

My Thoughts on May 1st

We all know May 1st is fast approaching. It seems as though it was a year ago (at least for me) that we found out the big news that Vincent D'Onofrio and Kathryn Erbe were returning to Law and Order: Criminal Intent for 8 final episodes.  Will they end up doing more episodes?  We'll just have to wait and see, but I have very high expectations of this season.  Don't all the loyal CI fans out there?

Criminal Intent fans know how Goren and Eames left the show. Loyalty filled the expectations of some, but not all.  After a few months went by, I was finally okay with how it ended - no doubt fanfiction helped me through it.  But I accepted it and I can say, in the end, I was happy.  But now, ha, they're back and I can't help but be nervous.  I know, I know, I should have faith but I swear I was born a pessimist.  I try not to get my hopes up.  From all the news I've read, it looks like the old Goren and Eames are back.  And that's great because there's nothing like a happy, spunky Goren with that extra bounce in his step to put a smile on our faces.  I'm sure we've all seen the preview of Goren on the phone pretending to be from Armani (if not, please refer to my last blog post).  The laugh he emits reminds me of the old Goren we used to know with the inevitable Eames smirk to follow.  I haven't seen that in years, and even though I'm a huge fan of Goren's anguish (especially season 7), it should be a nice change.  I'm just afraid of too much change.

I know I've complained or whined about the new season that's approaching, but don't get me wrong.  I'm ecstatic they're back.  When I first heard the news of them returning, I couldn't sleep. I was too busy posting everywhere (I think I broke Twitter that day).  The only thing I don't want is for them to sweep everything that happened under the rug.  Criminal Intent seems to be notorious for that and it drives me nuts.  It's like an itch you can't scratch because they never give you an opportunity to.  Maybe the sessions with the psychiatrist will fill in some blanks for us, answer some questions we still have because, seriously, can there be a happy future for Bobby Goren?  Quite possibly by the sound of it.

I know I don't post a lot of updates on here, but I leave that to the bigger, more well-known blogs.  Besides, in all honesty, who wants to read the same post 50 times?  There are some great blogs out there, you all know the ones I'm referring to, so I leave that to the big guns.  I give my two cents when I feel it's necessary, but as Bobby said, "I just like to watch."

Hope everyone is doing well out there.  Feel free to agree or disagree with me.  I love hearing your thoughts.  Happy watching! 

Tune in for Sunday's Season Premiere at 9 pm on the USA Network. The first episode is titled Rispetto.

 Photo courtesy of @USA_LawOrderCI on Twitter.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Saturday, April 16, 2011

My Vincent Creations [1]

Hello all! I realize I don't blog much anymore nor do I keep up with all the new blog posts of those whom I follow. I'm sorry. I need to try and get on here more often. Most of my time [writing] is spent working on fanfics these days. It's always been my number one love and always will be. It relaxes me, calms me.

Anyway, just a quick blog from me as I jump up and down and wave to let you know I'm still around.  For those of you that are friends with me on Facebook, these pictures won't be new to your eyes. I frequently post them on Twitter as well, so I'm sorry if you also follow me on there.

As you know, I love words and I love playing with words. So the following 10 screen caps of our lovely Robert Goren (and one of Vincent D'Onofrio) all have writing on them. Some of them are pretty simple, i.e. the Pure Sex picture, but for others I had to sit and look at the picture for awhile. Some are depressing, but for those of you that know my work, you know I'm always depressing. I don't do happy. I'll probably be posting more of these later, but here are some for now. Enjoy.

And lastly:

Friday, April 8, 2011

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Video: Scenes from Criminal Intent, episode Amends

So I made a YouTube video, actually two video's from the episode Amends. My favorite scenes wouldn't fit on one video. It's the best of Amends, so enjoy. I made this for Diane. I hope you like. P.S. I embedded the videos here, but I suggest watching them on YouTube. Bigger picture.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Quick Clip of Vincent at TFF

Just a quick little video I found of Vincent at the Tribeca Film Festival. I've never seen it before, so I thought I'd share. =)

Vincent D'Onofrio At Tribeca Film Festival May 2008
Uploaded by CottonJan. - Classic TV and last night's shows, online.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

CI Promo Vid Recapped!

So as some of you know, I planned on recapping this video because The Reel had posted a link to a bigger video. Bigger video = bigger screen caps and better quality. Worked on this all night and morning, so here they are!